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The Liberal Arts Advantage

You Can Go Far With a Liberal Arts Degree. Here's How

Students in a classroom in Scharbauer Hall

A liberal arts education prepares students with the communication, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership skills to be successful, regardless of job or industry. 

According to self-reported statistics from AddRan graduates to TCU Career Services, upon graduation:

  • 58% enter the workforce
  • 28% enroll in graduate school
  • 3% join the military

Furthermore, liberal arts graduates find themselves employed in a diverse range of fields, from education to law to business to public relations and advertising. Corporate executives agree that the skills gained from a liberal arts education important to their evaluation of job candidate.

Liberal arts graduates do better economically over the long-term because many go on to get graduate degrees and use their skills to advance in their professions. Studies show that liberal arts graduates also have upward economic mobility, similar to peers in other fields. 

“Nearly all growth since 1980 has been in occupations that are relatively social-skill intensive, while jobs that require high levels of analytical and mathematical reasoning, but low levels of social interaction, jobs that are comparatively easy to automate, have fared comparatively poor.” - The Art of Employment

“Whatever job you take, the specific subjects you studied in college will probably prove somewhat irrelevant to the day-to-day work you will do soon after you graduate. And even if they are relevant, that will change. People who learned to write code for computers just ten years ago now confront a new world of apps and mobile devices. What remain constant are the skills you acquire and the methods you learn to approach problems. Given how quickly industries and professions are evolving these days, you will need to apply these skills to new challenges all the time.” - In Defense of a Liberal Education

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