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Submit a Course

Submission Dates:

Graduate and Undergraduate courses will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Email with any questions.

Students may submit petitions for one-time approvals to be reviewed on a rolling basis by the chair of WGST

You will receive an email confirming your submission was received and an email after the meeting letting you know the Committee’s decision. Individual students will only be notified if the submission is a petition.

Please save a copy of your application as a Word document to ensure that your work is not lost due to website malfunction.

Please note: Students may petition for NO MORE THAN THREE HOURS OF COURSE CREDIT to be counted toward the major, minor, emphasis or graduate certificate. In addition graduate students may petition for up to THREE HOURS CREDIT FOR DISSERTATION OR THESIS HOURS.

Undergraduate Course Approval Form (Faculty Submission)

Graduate Course Approval Form (Faculty Submission)

Undergraduate Course Approval Form (Student Submission)

Graduate Course Approval Form (Student Submission)

Graduate Student Petition for Thesis/Dissertation Approval