Spanish & Hispanic Studies Courses
A beginning course intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language. The skills of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing are taught at the elementary level, with an emphasis on oral proficiency in everyday situations encountered in Spanish-speaking countries. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 10113 and SPAN 10103. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
A beginning course taught at an accelerated rate for eight weeks intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language. The skills of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing are taught at the elementary level, with an emphasis on oral proficiency in everyday situations encountered in Spanish-speaking countries. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 10113 and SPAN 10103. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
Prerequisite: SPAN 10103 or SPAN 10113 or equivalent. A beginning course intended for students with minimal formal study and very limited knowledge of Spanish grammar and culture. The skills of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing continue at the elementary level, with an emphasis on oral proficiency in everyday situations encountered in Spanish-speaking countries. Equivalent to SPAN 10213. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 10213 and 10203. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
Prerequisites: SPAN 10103 or 10113 or equivalent. Continuation of SPAN 10103 or 10113 taught at an accelerated rate for eight weeks intended for students with minimal formal study and very limited knowledge of Spanish grammar and culture. The skills of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing continue to be taught at the elementary level, with an emphasis on oral proficiency in everyday situations encountered in Spanish-speaking countries. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 10213 and 10203. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
An introduction to flamenco in Spain, beginning with the arrival of the art form in Spain, its history, various musical forms, instruments, and some dance elements. Flamenco as represented in literature and film. Hands-on activities bring flamenco to life in the classroom.
Prerequisites: SPAN 10103 or 10113 or equivalent. Occasional course on a selected topic related to the Spanish language or the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Different course titles may be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: SPAN 10203 or SPAN 10213 or equivalent. Further development of the integration of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills on an intermediate level. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 20113 and 20103. (No credit given to native speakers; heritage speakers may receive credit with permission of the department.)
Prerequisites: SPAN 10203 or 10213 or equivalent. Course is taught at an accelerated rate for eight weeks following the study of beginning Spanish with focus on the integration of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills on an intermediate level. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 20113 and 20103. (No credit given to native speakers; heritage speakers may receive credit with permission of the department.)
Prerequisite: SPAN 20103 or SPAN 20113 or equivalent. Continuation of SPAN 20103 or 20113 with focus on the integration of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills on an intermediate level. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 20203 and SPAN 20213. (No credit given to native speakers; heritage speakers may receive credit with permission of the department.)
Prerequisites: SPAN 20103 or 20113 or equivalent. Course is taught at an accelerated rate for eight weeks and is a continuation of SPAN 20103 or SPAN 20113 with an integration of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills on an intermediate level. A student cannot receive credit for both SPAN 20203 and SPAN 20213. (No credit given to native speakers; heritage speakers may receive credit with permission of the department.)
This course will study an important city in the Spanish-speaking world, such as Buenos Aires or Madrid, from a variety of perspectives, ranging from history to geography to literature to architecture. Especially recommended for students who plan on careers in the global community, for which they will need to understand the roles and dynamics of urban life in Hispanic cultures. Taught in English.
This course represents credit earned through a semester study abroad experience with an institution or program with which Texas Christian University has an official agreement to accept credit. The site and specific content will be identified on the official transcript. Courses appearing on a student's official transcript have been included in the student's grade point average.
Prerequisites: SPAN 10213 or 10203 or equivalent. Occasional course on a selected topic related to the Spanish language or the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Different course titles may be repeated for credit.
A preparatory course in which a student selects a topic and carries out exploratory research under faculty guidance. The finalized project is completed in SPAN 43103.
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203 or 20213. A Spanish language course in a TCU Spanish faculty-led summer abroad program. Designed to increase communicative and cross-cultural skills significantly for personal and professional applications. May be repeated for credit at a different site.
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203 or 20213. A course on the culture of the host country in a TCU Spanish faculty-led summer abroad program. Designed to increase communicative and cross-cultural skills significantly for personal and professional applications. May be repeated for credit at a different site.
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203 or 20213 or equivalent. This course aims to develop Spanish skills within narrative and descriptive rhetorical modes while fostering cultural awareness through authentic materials. Written, oral, listening, and reading practices will serve to strengthen communicative competencies and move from a personal to a public intercultural expression.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, 30603, or 31703. This course explores the techniques and strategies necessary for the study and appreciation of literary texts in Spanish. This objective will be realized through the analysis of representative works in each of the four basic genres (drama, poetry, narrative, and essay) and their variations, paying close attention to the historical and cultural contexts within which authors and their works are placed. The selected texts cover a variety of literatures produced in Spanish-speaking societies. This course is a prerequisite for all 40000-level literature courses.
This course represents credit earned through a semester study abroad experience with an institution or program with which Texas Christian University has an official agreement to accept credit. The site and specific content will be identified on the official transcript. Courses appearing on a student's official transcript have been included in the student's grade point average.
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203 or 20213. The purpose of this course is to provide basic knowledge of various fields within Spanish linguistics. Students will be exposed to linguistic structures such as phonology (pronunciation), morphology (word formation), syntax (sentence formation), semantics (meaning) and other linguistic subfields, including sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and dialectology.
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203 or 20213 or equivalent. Course provides the student with basic oral, written and reading skills for Spanish for health care purposes, as well as an understanding of cultural differences. Students will learn to communicate with patients, focusing on the critical areas of acquiring basic patient information, understanding symptoms, dispensing medical advice, and discussing treatment and medication. Taught fall semester only.
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203 or 20213 or equivalent. This course provides the student with necessary oral, written and reading skills in Spanish for business purposes and with cultural understanding of how business is conducted within the geographic and cultural context of the Spanish-speaking world. Taught fall semester only.
A comprehensive Spanish course for heritage students with proficiency in spoken Spanish but whose formal education has been in English. The course covers all basic language skills, with emphasis on reading and writing taught through literary and cultural readings, compositions, and exams.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. Course emphasizes increasing fluency in comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as understanding of cultural issues while performing service in a Spanish-speaking atmosphere in the community. Students are required to spend several hours providing service for a community partner to improve their language skills and appreciation for the Latino community.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. Course explores the theory, methods, and practice of translation. Students will be exposed to the complexities of translation. Texts are drawn from multiple fields, such as advertising, journalism, business, travel, health, and politics.
This course represents credit earned through a semester study abroad experience with an institution or program with which Texas Christian University has an official agreement to accept credit. The site and specific content will be identified on the official transcript. Courses appearing on a student's official transcript have been included in the student's grade point average.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. Students gain an understanding and appreciation of the development of Spain as a nation from historical, political, geographical, and cultural perspectives.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. A study of the development and cultural achievements of Latin America's major civilization, from pre-Hispanic times to the present.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. Latin American and Spanish cultures as manifested in performance, music, dance, soap operas, and film. Discussion of the politics of everyday practices associated with these expressions, within sociopolitical processes of which they are a part.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. Analysis of contemporary issues as expressed through selected films from Spain.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703. Analysis of contemporary issues as expressed through selected films from Latin American countries.
Prerequisites: SPAN 31603. This course builds on knowledge acquired n the introductory course on Spanish for Business Professions. Course provides the student with advanced oral, written, and reading skills in Spanish for business purposes, as well as an understanding of cultural differences. Course enhances lexical knowledge related to the business field and current business events. Opportunities are provided for experiential learning in the local Latino community.
Prerequisites: SPAN 30803. Occasional course on a selected topic related to the literature, history, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Different course titles may be repeated for credit.
A beginning course intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language. The skills of comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing are taught at the elementary level, with an emphasis on oral proficiency in everyday situations encountered in Portuguese-speaking countries. No prerequisite. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
Prerequisite: PORT 10103 or equivalent. Continued study of beginning Portuguese. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
Prerequisite: PORT 10203 or equivalent. Completion of the beginning-level survey of the Portuguese language. (No credit given to native or heritage speakers.)
Prerequisite: PORT 20103 or equivalent. Review, reinforcement, and integration of the skills at the beginning level. This course bridges the beginning level and the next level of intensive study. (No credit given to native speakers; heritage speakers may receive credit with permission of the department.)
Prerequisites: SPAN 20203, 20213, or equivalent. Native Spanish speakers and heritage speakers are welcome with departmental approval. An intensive beginning Portuguese course designed for Spanish speakers and learners. The course focuses on the similarities and differences between Spanish and Portuguese, especially Brazilian Portuguese. The course comprehends basic vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar through practice in speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing. The use of different media to explore cultural aspects of the Portuguese-speaking world is an integral part of the course.
This course represents credit earned through a semester study abroad experience with an institution or program with which Texas Christian University has an official agreement to accept credit. The site and specific content will be identified on the official transcript. Courses appearing on a student's official transcript have been included in the student's grade point average.
Prerequisite: PORT 20203 or equivalent. A study of the cultural institutions, both historical and contemporary, that distinguish Brazilian society.
Electives from other departments are shown below. See Latin American Studies degree requirements for details.
*when the topic of the course focuses on Latin America
Prerequisites: ANTH 20623, RELI 10023 or RELI 10043 or consent of the instructor. Anthropological findings in the comparative study of religion and culture across a broad range of societies. Studies of sacred experience, myth, ritual, magic, witchcraft, religious language, gender and religion, healing, and relationships between social and religious change.
*when the topic of the course focuses on Latin America
Origin and distribution of the native populations of selected areas. The historical development and current perspectives of institutions, belief and value systems, and comparative organization of cultural areas. Possible areas to be examined include Native North Americans, peoples of South America, and peoples of Africa.
*when the topic of the course focuses on Latin America
Prerequisites: A 'C-' or better in ECON 10223 or 30223, and 10233 or 30233. Survey of development experience in a country or group of countries or analysis of general development experiences such as external finance, foreign trade and payments, development policy sets, or other experiences typical of developing countries.
*when the topic of the course focuses on Latin America
The course examines selected cultures in an international setting. Social and scientific factors are related to health beliefs and practices and health care delivery systems of the country visited and examined. Critical analysis of selected topics will be accomplished. Open to all majors. Usually taught in summer abroad program.
*when the topic of the course focuses on Latin America
European politics, Asian politics, Latin American politics, Middle Eastern politics, developing political systems, etc.
*when the topic of the course focuses on Latin America
Prerequisites: ANTH 20623, RELI 10023 or RELI 10043 or consent of the instructor. Anthropological findings in the comparative study of religion and culture across a broad range of societies. Studies of sacred experience, myth, ritual, magic, witchcraft, religious language, gender and religion, healing, and relationships between social and religious change.
Suggested Course Sequence
First Year
Fall: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703*
Spring: SPAN 30503, SPAN 30603, or SPAN 31703*
Sophomore Year
Fall: Culture (SPAN 32003, SPAN 32103, SPAN 32203, or SPAN 33103) or SPAN 30803
Spring: Culture (SPAN 32003, SPAN 32103, SPAN 32203, or SPAN 33103) or SPAN 30803
Junior Year
Fall: Two electives (choose from PORT 20503, 30000-level SPAN electives, or 40000-level
SPAN electives)
Spring: 40000-level literature course
Senior Year
Fall: Senior Seminar** or Elective (choose from PORT 20503, 30000-level SPAN electives,
or 40000-level SPAN electives)
Spring: Senior Seminar** or Elective (choose from 30000-level SPAN electives or 40000-level SPAN electives)
* Heritage speakers are encouraged to take SPAN 31703. A heritage speaker is someone who was primarily educated in U.S. schools but who speaks Spanish in the home and with friends and co-workers. Non-heritage speakers should not take SPAN 31703.
** The Senior Seminar must be taken during the final year of the student’s completion of the Spanish major.
First Year
Fall: 10113-10213 or 20103
Spring: 20113-20213 or 20203
Sophomore Year
Fall: SPAN 30503 or SPAN 30603
Spring: SPAN 30503 or SPAN 30603
Junior Year
Fall: (6 credits) SPAN 30803 or Culture (SPAN 32003, SPAN 32103, SPAN 32203, or SPAN
33103); Elective (choose from PORT 20503, 30000-level SPAN electives, or 40000-level
SPAN electives)
Spring: (6 credits) SPAN 30803 or Culture (SPAN 32003, SPAN 32103, SPAN 32203, or SPAN 33103); Elective (choose from 30000-level SPAN electives or 40000-level SPAN electives)
Senior Year
Fall: (6 credits) 40000-level literature course; Elective (choose from PORT 20503,
30000-level SPAN electives, or 40000-level SPAN electives)
Spring: Senior Seminar**
** The Senior Seminar must be taken during the final year of the student’s completion of the Spanish major.