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Philosophy students and faculty will come together at the end of the semester for food, drink, and camaraderie.  Awards will be given for the Franzwa Metaphysics and Epistemology paper competition, the McDiarmid paper competition for Ethics, senior scholar, outstanding senior, and the March Madness winner!  April 2024.

The philosophy department is having a friendly, lighthearted March Madness bracket competition -students against faculty- for the second year in a row!  March 2024.

David Lay Williams, Political Science professor from DePaul University, comes to Schar 1008 to speak on Inequality Thursday, April 18 at 5:00 p.m.inequality lecture 4/18/24 

Welcome David Lay Williams from DePaul University's Political Science department, speaking to us on Altruism Friday April 19 at 3:30 pm in SCHAR 1007.  altruism flyer

We are planning our next Floursheim Lecture in Ethics event for 2024!   Stay tuned for details.

Welcome our new associate professor, Dr. Visser, to Fall 2023 semester!
March 29-30, 2023:  Leading with mindfulness herself for over twenty years, Rhonda Magee has explored the healing power of mindfulness, especially for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Magee is a Professor of Law at the University of San Fransisco where she is integrating mindfulness into law, social work, and higher education. She is a Fellow at the Mind and Life Institute and serves as a mentor for a number of contemplative organizations, including the Holistic Life Foundation, Mindfulness in Law Society, and the Brown Center for Mindfulness. Magee is also the author of The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities through Mindfulness. Magee will introduce mindfulness as the approach to confront our world's most pressing concerns.