- At the First Table: Food and Social Identity in Early Modern Spain (University of Nebraska Press, February 2017)
- Women in Port: Gendering Communities, Economies, and Social Networks in Atlantic Port Cities, 1500-1800, edited with Doug Catterall, (Brill, 2012)
- Monarchy, Political Culture and Drama in Seventeenth-Century Madrid: Theater of Negotiation (Ashgate Press, 2006)
- "The People's Revolt: Texas Populists and the Roots of American Liberalism," Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2020.
- "The Last Populist: Populism, Modernity, and the Consequential Career of Henry Lewis Bentley (1847-1933)," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 123(2) (Oct. 2019), 156-203.
- “Lyndon’s Granddaddy: Samuel Ealy Johnson, Sr.,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly 118 (Oct. 2014), 133-56.
- “Our Very Pronounced Theory of Equal Rights to All”: Race, Citizenship, and Populism in the South Texas Borderlands,” Journal of American History 100 (Dec. 2013), 663-90.
- “Lone Star Pasts: Memory and History in Texas,” co-edited with Elizabeth Hayes Turner, Texas A&M University Press, College Station, 2007.

Kara Dixon Vuic
LCpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt Professor of War, Conflict, and Society in 20th-Century America
View Recent Publications
- “Gender,” in The All-Volunteer Force: Fifty Years of History, Impacts, Challenges, and Implications, ed. William A. Taylor (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2023), 101-21.
- “Grand Narratives and Gendered Wars and Societies,” War and Society 42, no. 1 (February 2023): 82-89.
- “A Girl in Every Port? The U.S. Military and Prostitution in the Twentieth Century,” in The Military and the Market, edited by Jennifer Middlestadt and Mark Wilson (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022), 87-104.
- “She Who Has Borne the Battle: Vietnam Veterans of America’s Women’s Project,” in Service Denied: Marginalized Veterans in American History, edited by John Kinder and Jason Higgins (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2022), 143-58
- “Reproduction in Combat Boots,” in Managing Sex in the U.S. Military: Gender, Identity, and Behavior, co-edited by Beth Bailey, Alesha Doan, Shannon Portillo, and Kara Dixon Vuic (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2022), 119-40

Alan Gallay
Professor and Lyndon B. Johnson Chair in American History, Director of Graduate Studies
View Recent Publications
- “Englishman John R. Jewitt's Enslavement Among the Nuu-Chah-Nulth,” Eighteenth-Century Studies, (2022), 243-253.
- Walter Ralegh: Architect of Empire (Basic Books, 2019)
- “Forward,” The Yamasee Indians: From Florida to South Carolina, ed., Denise Bossy (University of Nebraska Press, 2018).
- “European Slaving of Native Americans,” in Princeton Companion to Atlantic History (2015)
- “Defining the European Frontier City in Early Modern Asia: Goa, Macau, and Manila,” in Frontier Cities in the Early Modern World (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).
- "A Potions Lesson: Experiential Learning in the History Classroom," The History Teacher 57, no. 3 (2024): 397-407.
- "The Heist: A Massive Theft of Pre-Columbian Art Reveals Troubling Truths About Texans' Role in the Illicit Antiquities Trade," co-authored with Jack Emery, Michael Fung, Sofía Gómez Pichardo, Jack Hines, Anthony Peebler, and Leonel Rodriguez, Texas Observer, June 10, 2024.
- Guest editor, "Reproduction and the Mesoamerican Book," Dialogues of Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 5 no. 4 (2023).
- "The Echo of Voices after the Fall of the Aztec Empire," Hispanic American Historical Review 103, n. 2 (2023): 217-249. *Awarded the James Alexander Robertson Prize by the Conference on Latin American History for best article published in HAHR.
- "Collecting and Preserving Colonial Latin American Materials Today: A Roundtable," with Corinna Zeltsman; trans. Michael Brescia. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 117 n. 1 (2023): 109-122.
- “Adoption of Domestic Female Salves in 17th Century Istanbul,” Journal of Global Slavery. (Submitted)
- “Ottoman Legal Practice and Non-Judicial Actors in 17th Century Istanbul,” The Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, 2 (1), 2015, pp. 21-36.
- Flood on the Tracks: Living, Dying, and the Nature of Disaster in the Elkhorn River Basin (Texas Tech University Press, 2018)
- Inspiration and Innovation: Religion in the American West (Wiley, 2015)
- “State Violence and the Un-American West: Mormons, American Indians, and Cults,” in From Jeremiad to Jihad: Religion, Violence, and America (University of California Press, 2012).
- “Rock Music and the New West, 1980-2010,” Western Historical Quarterly 42(Spring 2012): 53-71.
- God’s Country, Uncle Sam’s Land: Faith and Conflict in the American West (University of Illinois Press, 2006)

Bonnie Lucero
Neville G. Penrose Chair Latin American Studies and History and Associate Professor
View Recent Publications
- Race and Reproduction in Cuba (University of Georgia Press, 2022).
- A Cuban City, Segregated: Race and Urbanization in the Nineteenth Century (University of Alabama Press, 2019).
- Revolutionary Masculinity and Racial Inequality: Gendering War and Politics in Cuba, 1895-1902 (University of New Mexico Press, 2018). Paperback, 2021.
- Voices of Crime: Constructing and Contesting Social Control in Modern Latin America, co-edited with Luz E. Huertas, and Gregory Swedberg (University of Arizona Press, 2016)
- Guest co-editor with Ian Campbell Ross, Eire-Ireland: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Irish Studies, 49: 1&2 (Spring/Summer 2014) Special Issue on Irish Crime since 1921
- Property Crime in London, 1850-Present (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
- “Going on the Hoist: Women, Work, and Shoplifting in London, c. 1890-1940.” Journal of British Studies 50, No. 2 (April 2011): 410-433
- Political Intelligence and the Creation of Modern Mexico, 1938-1954. Penn State University Press, 2010.
- “Derecha Mexicana (coyuntura de 1940)” in Torcuato di Tella and Patricia Chomnález, eds. Repertorio politico. 4 vol. A United Nations Development Program publication. (Buenos Aires: Emecé Planeta, 2007).
- “La fusión fracasada: Almazán y Amaro en la campaña presidencial de 1940”, Boletín del Fideicomiso Archivos Plutarco Elías Calles y Fernando Torreblanca 49 (August 2005), pp.1-32.
- Grain and Fire: A History of Baking in the American South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- “In Favor of our Fathers’ Country and Government’: Unionist Women in North Texas." In Texas Women and the Civil War: Diversity and Dissidence in the Trans-Mississippi, edited by Deborah Linsley Liles and Angela Boswell. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2016.
- “Sallie McNeill: A Woman’s Higher Education in Antebellum Texas.” In Texas Women: Their Histories, Their Lives. Edited by Elizabeth Hayes Turner, Stephanie Cole, and Rebecca Sharpless, 82-104. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2015.
- Texas Women: Their Histories, Their Lives. (Coeditor with Elizabeth Hayes Turner and Stephanie Cole) Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2015.
- "‘She Ought to Have Taken Those Cakes’: Southern Women and Rural Food Supplies.” Southern Cultures 18, no. 2 (summer 2012), 45-58.
- ed. The Selected Papers of John Paul Jones, with James C. Bradford, under Contract with the University of Alabama Press.
- Drumming Through War and Peace: The Life of Jordan Bankston Noble, 1800-1890, under Contract with LSU Press.
- ed., A Fortified Sea: The Defense of the Caribbean during the Eighteenth Century, with Pedro Luengo-Gutiérrez. forthcoming 2024 with University of Alabama Press.
- ed. TCU’s First 100 Years: Images and Stories, Fort Worth, with Jackson W. Pearson. Fort Worth, TX: TCU Press, ISBN: 978-0-87565-840-7, 2023.
- ed. Coloring Texas History: A Texas History Coloring Book, with LeAnna Schooley. Fort Worth, TX: TCU Press, 2022.
- This Great Struggle: America’s Civil War. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.
- Manifest Destinies: Westward Expansion and the Civil War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
- Sherman. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- Nothing but Victory: The Army of the Tennessee, 1861-1865. New York: Knopf, 2005.
- While God is Marching On: The Religious World of Civil War Soldiers. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2001.

Peter Worthing
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research; Professor of History
View Recent Publications
- "The 'Acid Test' of the Revolution: Demobilization and the Collapse of Chiang Kai-shek's Military Coalition in 1929," Twentieth-Century China, Volume 46, 3 (October 2021): 268-286. https://doi.org/10.1353/tcc.2021.0024
- “A Tale of Two Fronts: China’s War of the Central Plains, 1930” War in History, (2017): 1-24. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0968344516685927
- General He Yingqin: The Rise and Fall of Nationalist China. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016.
- “Continuity and Change: Chinese Nationalist Army Tactics, 1925-1938,” The Journal of Military History, 78, 3 (July 2014): 995-1016.
- “The Eastern Expeditions of 1925: A Defining Moment in the History of the Nationalist Military,” [當代中國研究] Modern China Studies, 17, 2 (2010): 19-47.