General Information
Gain practical experience in criminal justice and receive credit for interning under a practitioner/mentor at the city, county, state or federal level in any area related to the criminal justice system. Our required Internship in Criminal Justice course connects you with important contacts for future employment opportunities. You’ll work a minimum of 125 hours in the field, apply classroom knowledge in the workplace, and discover what specific career path interests you most.
Sample Internships
- US Attorney's Office
- Federal Public Defender Office
- Tarrant County Criminal Courts
- Alliance for Children
- One Safe Place
- Fort Worth Police Department
- Arlington Police Department
- Local Law Firms
Criminology & Criminal Justice Internship Course
The main goal of participating in an internship is to enhance student understanding of the “real” work environment of a criminal justice agency. There are many complexities, nuances, and subtleties to the work of Criminal Justice professionals that cannot be explained or conveyed in a classroom. This class:
- Enables students to understand what it’s like to work in the criminal justice system or a related area
- Develops self-directed learning skills
- Helps students apply classroom knowledge in a professional setting
- Enables students to acquire a working knowledge of- and experience in the criminal justice system
- Provides personal and professional development, and
- Allows students to gauge interests in particular career paths.
The following overview sheds light on the Internship in Criminology & Criminal Justice (CRJU 40963) course.
Guidelines for Students
- All students majoring in Criminology & Criminal Justice are required to take the course. Minors may also take it for CRJU elective credit.
- Students wishing to enroll in the course must complete an Internship Application form. This form is available on our department website or upon request from the Internship course instructor. Students will be granted a permit number to enroll in the class once their completed paperwork is approved.
- The course is reserved for senior Criminology & Criminal Justice majors and minors. Only seniors or those who will be seniors when the class begins may enroll.
- Internships must be conducted during the semester the student is enrolled in the course. Previous internship experience or current employment experience will not apply to the course.
- Students in the course must intern at a criminal justice or related agency.
- Students are encouraged to make contacts with criminal justice agencies and arrange for internships on their own. Internship course instructors maintain a list of agencies and organizations that have provided internship opportunities to TCU students. Upon request, the instructor will provide students with contact information for agencies aligned with student interests.
- Students must complete at least 125 hours of field experience to receive credit for the course. There is also a classroom component associated with the course.
The Process
- Students interested in enrolling in the Internship course should identify potential internship sites the semester prior to the one in which they will take the course. They may do this on their own or with the assistance of the instructor of the class in which they will enroll. A list of places where students have interned is provided on our department website. Those interested in an internship with a federal law enforcement agency are encouraged to begin the process especially early given the relatively lengthy application process.
- Upon identifying agencies students should reach out to their preferred choices.
- Upon securing an internship students must complete and submit the Internship Application Form to receive a permit number to enroll in the class.
Enrollment in the course is a privilege and an opportunity for professional development; not simply another course required for graduation. Accordingly, students should bear in mind that a high level of professionalism is expected in the field and classroom.
For additional information regarding the Internship in Criminal Justice course, please contact:
For enrollment in Fall and Spring:
Dr. Ronald Burns
For enrollment in Summer:
Dr. Ronald Burns